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AuteurEddings, David
TitelThe Belgariad 5: Enchanters' End Game
UitgeverDel Rey
GenreSF / Fantasy
Editie1984 - first edition - pocket - 372 p.
ISBN nummer0345300785
Beschrijving staat(VG)
Gewicht202 gram
Past door brievenbus (Ja/Nee)Ja
Prijs€ 6,00
OmschrijvingFantasy - The fifth and final book of the Belgariad series. The story begins with Garion, Belgarath and Silk attempting to reach Mallorea. The story then picks up with the vast army assembled by Ce'Nedra, en route to their invasion of Mishrak ac Thull... The actual events, and the delightful scheming of the Kings of the West makes this book excellent reading.