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AuteurTenn, William
TitelOf Men and Monsters
GenreSF / Fantasy
Editie1968 - 1st printing - pocket - 251 p.
ISBN nummer
Beschrijving staat(VG)
Gewicht136 gram
Past door brievenbus (Ja/Nee)Ja
Prijs€ 3,00
OmschrijvingEssef - Giant, technologically superior aliens have conquered Earth, but humankind survives - even flourishes in a way. Men and women live like mice in burrows in the massive walls of the huge homes of the aliens, scurrying about under their feet, stealing from them. A complex social and religious order has evolved, with women preserving knowledge and working as healers, and men serving as warriors and thieves. For the aliens, men and women are just a nuisance, neither civilized nor intelligent, and certainly not a worthy adversary. In fact, they are regarded as vermin, to be exterminated. Which, ironically, may just be humankind's strength and point the way forward.