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AuteurMacAvoy, R. A.
TitelDamiano 1: Damiano
GenreSF / Fantasy
Editie1984 - pocket - 243 p.
ISBN nummer0553235753
Beschrijving staat(VG)
Gewicht132 gram
Past door brievenbus (Ja/Nee)Ja
Prijs€ 3,50
OmschrijvingFantasy - He was called Damiano Delstrego: wizard's son, alchemist, heir to dark magics. Yet he was also an innocent, a young scholar and musician befriended by the Archangel Raphael, who instructed him in the lute. To save his beloved city from war, Damiano left his cloistered life and set out on a pilgrimage, seeking the aid of the powerful sorceress Saara. But his road was filled with betrayal, disillusionment and death, and Damiano was forced to confront his dark heritage, unleashing the hellish force of his awesome powers to protect those he loved.