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AuteurMacDonald, John D.
TitelPlanet of the Dreamers
UitgeverPocket Books
GenreSF / Fantasy
Editie1953 - 1st printing - Catalogue Lovisi $4 (G) $18 (VG) - pocket - 164 p. - collectible paperback
ISBN nummer
Beschrijving staat(VG-, edge wear)
Gewicht90 gram
Past door brievenbus (Ja/Nee)Ja
Prijs€ 11,00
OmschrijvingEssef - a.k.a. 'Wine of the Dreamers'. This is the dramatic story of two worlds - of Earth, where man is striving to perfect a space-ship that will reach the stars; and of a strange dying planet in outer space, whose inhabitants, the Dreamers, are determined to keep Man chained to Earth. The conflict between the two planets is finally resolved in the least expected way.