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AuteurJones, Diana Wynne
TitelDalemark Quartet 2: Drowned Ammet
UitgeverOxford University Press
GenreSF / Fantasy
EditieJUVENILE - 2000 - paperback - 277 p.
ISBN nummer9780192718334
Beschrijving staat(VG)
Gewicht397 gram
Past door brievenbus (Ja/Nee)Ja
Prijs€ 6,75
OmschrijvingFantasy - Drowned Ammet is the story of Mitt, a boy who joins a band of Freedom Fighters in a bid to try and crush the tyrannical ruler of Holand, and at the same time, to get revenge on the people who killed his father. This is the second book in the best-selling Dalemark quartet, which consists of four fantasy novels by acclaimed author Diana Wynne Jones set in the mysterious world of Dalemark. The Dalemark books are also currently part of children's literature course studies.