
AuteurEdmondson, G. C.
TitelStranger than you think + The Ship that sailed the Time Stream
GenreSF / Fantasy
Editie1965 - pocket - Ace Double - nr. M109 - 87 + 167 p.
ISBN nummer
Beschrijving staat(G+, some browning on inside covers, water stains)
Gewicht126 gram
Past door brievenbus (Ja/Nee)Ja
Prijs€ 4,00 Uitverkocht
OmschrijvingEssef - In "Stranger Than You Think," ..This particular friend had a knack for turning up the unearthly, the off-the-record, the things that were "stranger than science." He could spot a time traveler across a restaurant - and then produce the sort of proof that would be more potent than tequila. He could find just where the meteor fell - and show you that it is not just a rock from space but far, far more ominous. He could.. In "The Ship That Sailed The Time Stream," Ensign Joe Rate, captain of the experimental Navy yawl "Alice," figured that everything that could happen to him in one day had already happened. First, after a freak electrical storm at sea the "Alice" had somehow been thrown a thousand years backward in time, and it looked like they were stranded in the past. They had provisions for two weeks at the most. Then there was the voluptuous barbarian girl they'd saved from captivity - her presence on board a ship full of normal sailors wasn't likely to lessen the problems of the situation. Then he saw the four Viking raiding ships bearing straight for him, and in a few minutes the first spear thunked into the "Alice's" foredeck.