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AuteurBell, Clare
TitelThe Jaguar Princess
GenreSF / Fantasy
Editie1994 - First paperback publication - pocket - 443 p.
ISBN nummer9780812515169
Beschrijving staat(VG-)
Gewicht215 gram
Past door brievenbus (Ja/Nee)Nee
Prijs€ 3,50
OmschrijvingEssef - Down, pedants who would remind us that the Aztecs didn't really suffer from internal revolutions led by half-feline slaves! We don't need to be reminded of that to enjoy this historical cum fantasy romance. It's entertainingly written and holds interest with its excellent pacing, solid characterizations, and, most important, its magic. Most of this last is worked by Mixcatl, the main character; feisty and peculiar and talented, she occasionally turns into a jaguar to right ancient wrongs. Imagine "The Cat People" merged with the Aztec codices and a soupcon of Scarlett O'Hara, and you've got this one's drift. Entertaining.