
Auteur | Farmer, Philip J. |
Titel | Down in the Black Gang and Other Stories |
Uitgever | Signet |
Genre | SF / Fantasy |
Reeksnummer | |
Editie | 1971 - First printing - pocket - 224 p. |
ISBN nummer | |
Taal |  |
Conditie |       Goed |
Beschrijving staat | (VG) |
Gewicht | 122 gram |
Past door brievenbus (Ja/Nee) | Ja |
Prijs | € 4,00 |
Omschrijving | Essef - The many-faceted talent of Philip José Farmer encompasses both the satirical and the serious sides of science fiction, and this action-filled collection of seven short stories and a novelette is a marvel of diversity and originality. Here the Hugo Award-winning author gives an exciting demonstration of the unflinching style and imagination that have gained him such a large, enthusiastic following.
Prometheus is set in the 23rd Century and relates the misadventures of one John Carmody, a monk of the order of St. Jairus. Attacked by hoodlums in a zoo on Earth, Carmody has the misfortune to fall into the enclosure housing a horowitz - a giant bird from the planet Feral - which holds him down with one foot and proceeds to lay an egg on his chest! Carmody manages to escape from the closure, but discovers that the egg has put out tendrils and attached itself permanently to his chest!
Carmody's plight becomes a golden opportunity for zoologists, who believe the horowitzes to be the Galaxy's most intelligent nonsentient beings. Not only can they now study the embryo's development in the egg, but they also convince the hapless monk to go to Feral and impersonate a horowitz to help gather scientific data. |