
Auteur | Jakes, John |
Titel | Gavin Black 2 : Witch of the Dark Gate |
Uitgever | Lancer |
Genre | SF / Fantasy |
Reeksnummer | 2 |
Editie | 1972 - pocket - 175 p. |
ISBN nummer | 9780447754155 |
Taal |  |
Conditie |       Redelijk |
Beschrijving staat | (VG-, small front cover crease) |
Gewicht | 100 gram |
Past door brievenbus (Ja/Nee) | Ja |
Prijs | € 2,75 |
Omschrijving | The Klekton... Hundreds of thousands of years ago a great civilization florished on earth... and then vanished before the first onslaught of the great ice age. But those men did not die; instead, they fled through the dmensions to alternate worlds, and now the high kings of Shilkor were ready to reclaim their long-abandoned territory - and soldier of fortune Gavin Black was the only man who could stand against them... |