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AuteurEddings, David
TitelThe Malloreon 5: The Seeress of Kell
UitgeverDel Rey
GenreSF / Fantasy
Editie1992 - pocket - 374 p.
ISBN nummer0345377591
Beschrijving staat(VG-, creasing to the backstrip)
Gewicht191 gram
Past door brievenbus (Ja/Nee)Ja
Prijs€ 3,50
OmschrijvingFantasy - Now in the final stages of their quest for his son, Garion and his companions travel to Kell to consult the only undamaged copy of the Malloreon Gospels. For centuries the Seers have guarded this book from the Grolims and even had their wizards put a curse on those who tried to enter Kell.